Artificial intelligence

In 2025 the global cost of cybercrime is projected to reach $10.5 trillion, growing at a rate of 15 percent annually. Whether you use our services or trust a vendor to provide impartial advice, if you want your business to survive and thrive you need to be proactive, now.

All plans include evaluation of your current exposure using CISA's 36 cybersecurity best practices checklist. In addition, we explain Al using IBM's educational materials and provide your team leads with the opportunity to take short, free, introductory online courses from IBM and ISC2 on Cybersecurity and Al.

Our packages start at $250 for small businesses and law firms and are priced based on the size and complexity of your business. We explain the plan and fixed cost before we start, you know exactly what you will receive and what our services will cost.


Email or Call us to schedule an in person or video meeting

email: or call (606) 324-2866